Yet this is something that I feel is happening the Stargates and Seagates are starting to come online more and more and even the ones that have been controlled, I strongly feel they have no control over anymore to their affect! The gates are activating to help the changes that are going on. I say its down to our consciousness changes the more we come together the more this technology can help us! They are gateways to other places, universes, planets and yet they are part of earths grid system now! Oh and they are some seagates and stargates that some can not get to, they may know where they are but never been used like some others have as they haven't the knowledge of how to use some of them and also through the energy shifts some are doing their own things the gates are! This network between them and even the likes of the stone circles is working with the gates too as they are also gateways and so are the pyramids in one form, which are resonators, generators too!
The other day after the meditation to heal the oil spill, or volcano as it seems more to be in many ways, I felt this pressure build up there, which applies to many places over earth there is a balance to be done pressure has built up for such a long time and has been out of balance and now earth is asking us to help the balance with the shifts that are happening. Yet they are saying the oil spill is bigger than is known to be, with the underwater plume as whats on top and the the gas that came out too! Yet even in our consciousness we can change how all this goes down ~
~There is a story about some sailors in a small boat lost out at sea after abandoning ship and they ran out of supplies and fresh water to drink. So they all started to think and imagine and dream of fresh water around them and what it would taste like, after awhile one of them did cos of thirst tried the sea water from around the boat and low and behold it was fresh drinking water no salt! This water video shows how amazing water can be and yet how it can be influenced by frequencies too http://vimeo.com/11763906 and its not just water either, we used to use frequencies to shift the stones and carve them too along time ago and communicate with them through our conscious minds, as we do with crystals that just seem to speak to us wonderfully!
So all those who are sending energy to mother earth and to seal the wound up and to help the ocean become clean again and all the beings in her oceans to be free from the effects of the oil and gas, we are having an affect already and are very much changing the outcome of it all, so when you hear the news of it being worse than they originally said and be grateful for the information presented to you to show you that there is still work to be done, for us still to work together, and yet the wheels are in motion already for it to all to be healed fully now. Some results are being seen in the actions of others and yet some is taking a little bit more to show, as it is still being strongly asked of us by mother earth to help with this shift to heal and bring her back into full beauty of this eden everywhere not just in select places! To see that beauty now in the oceans even though there is pollution, on land everywhere see the love and light through it all and it allows the change to happen.
To send love and forgiveness out to all those involved and even ourselves too, yes BP should take more responsibility for what has gone on but so should other oil companies and the other companies involved! They are in a world where its down to figures of money that matter well if we change how we react to them as we are already doing so then that will change more than it is already doing so!
I know many of us are doing anything we can in our own ways to help earth and everyone through our hearts to show the way forward is no longer through fear or wars but by coming together with our individuality that we each have working in our own ways and yet as one through our hearts in love and light! We are guardians of earth along with every other being who chooses to be here to show us back to our heart energy and to work with nature and to stop trying to conquer her! We are being shown the way forward and to take notice from all our friends who are so unconditionally loving towards us!

Much love and light to you all.
Namaste, Emily
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